Friday, October 23, 2015

SK 1 year anniversary and new project

Hey everyone I wanted to give a status update about what is happening and I wanted to talk a bit about SK and the new project, so far I have been mostly working on the new project, I'm sorry it has been taking so long to post any news. Soon I'm going to be sending a pre alpha test download link through Patreon messages in November, and originally I was planning on doing quick updates for SK, unfortunately it took longer than expected to finish up Goddard's side quest and a few others I created, so you can expect an SK update soon adding in some new quests and NPC's, also so new gear with some other minor changes.

Something else I wanted to mention that I have been meaning to make an update about. Sexual Kingdom's 1 year anniversary, I can't believe it has been a year. When I originally started SK I really didn't know much about using RPG Maker VX Ace. Actually I didn't know much about anything (Not saying I'm much better now though), when I first created it I just wanted to create a game where you can explore the world freely while unlocking different worlds, I also wanted to have a player created town you can manage (still working on that). All and all though looking back I didn't start with anything and even though I had no idea what I was doing or how to do it, I'm still really glad I did.

Overall seeing that it has been one year since the first ever post of SK, has inspired me to work harder and reminded me of the type of game I wanted to create. But perhaps inspired me too much to start another, as it has been taking a bit of time away from updating SK.

For those of you who want to see my humble start, you can download the first ever release of SK you can download it here

Thank you all for your support this last year and your loyalty, I will do my best to improve and strive to be better, thanks to all of you.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Trouble downloading SK

So I just heard from 2 people now having trouble downloading SK, I can understand the confusion when there are two different download buttons, the one you don't want to click on is right next to a watch now button. This is an ad by the file hosting service I will no longer be uploading to this service due to the fact that people are having this trouble. I'll be uploading again to both mediafire and filedropper, the links will be updated within the next hour. If you want to use the same download link here is a pic of what not to do.

Again I'm sorry for the inconvenience I realize now that it may not be as obvious as it should be.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Public release of SK V1.15

Hey everyone the newest version of SK is now available here, soon the guide will also receive an update as well, but I am probably going to wait until the final or near end update comes out, until the next update comes out I'm going to try and post as often as I can to give you all updates on what's currently happening. 

I also wanted to mention that I just recently bought the new RPG maker software called RPG maker MV. From what I have seen it looks pretty great, if you haven't already check it out on steam, it releases later this month, and It will be fun working with for a new project.

Thanks again for being patient, I will try to keep you all as updated as possible for any changes and what not.