Sunday, September 13, 2015

V1.15 Now out on Patreon

So first off I'm really sorry it took this long to come out with a new version. Unfortunately I fell behind because of splitting my time and working on a new project, originally I was going to call it Harvest Poon but maybe something a bit better. But I hope everyone will enjoy it when it comes out, it still needs more work before an Alpha test, but it shouldn't be too long.

Anyways again I'm sorry it's taken so long for a new addition to SK to be released, the latest one you will be able to fight the super mage again and see some of the features that will be added through his last will. You will be able to find it at the top left of the room after you defeat him. As well as a new sex scene you can check out by going to Hillfar forest and using the paralyze skill on an orc.

Here is the full change list


-Fullscreen option added
-Story Continued
-New Sex Scene added
-Minor Spelling errors fixed
-A lot of minor tweaks to skills, weapons, and armor
-New skills added

New Hebron

-New NPC's and interactions
-2 new enemies


-3 new enemies added to Hillfar Forest
-New NPc's and interactions
-New items added


-New NPC's and interactions
-New weapons and armors added through differnt shops
-Mageworth Castle now complete

I'm going to be doing some quick updates after this one that will add in armor, weapons, items, quests, skills, enemies, and quests. So there will be some new updates coming out labeled V1.16, V1.17 etc. These updates will mostly consist of game content and sex scenes will be added once a month. Possibly some other changes as well.

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