Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sexual Kingdom V1.21 Public Release

Sexual Kingdom V1.21 is can now be downloaded here, also I have some good news!

Soon I'll be posting the preview, it would have been much sooner but I went a bit overboard with trying to make it flashy and instead of making it more flashy I just basically wasted time, I have learned though not to waste time on trying to make character animations, custom sprites, and custom plugins for RPG Maker MV, and when I say custom I mean from scratch well ya'know without the basic helper.

I just need to wrap up some of the technical things, like for instance being able to change into different clothes properly, the achievement/gallery system where you can unlock pics, and some of the problems I'm having with farming. Other than that everything seems to be going good, also I've settled on a title, Gramsby Village you'll be able to play as both a female and a male. There will be an assortment of different characters that have different attributes like futa characters, monster characters, traps, furries, and some typed of elves and fairies. Unlike Sexual Kingdom it's not going to follow a linear path really. Well it will have some story but you will actually be able to build relationships with the characters and interact and hopefully be able to be creative as well.

Oh yeah I've also been doing some work on a different game which is something I usually work on for fun which will get a preview some time after (Probably not too soon).

Anyways more updates to come, I'm really excited about the latest project it has been fun to work on, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. :D


  1. If you plug a game, can you give a couple sentences about it? I (and I assume there are others like me) don't blind-follow a link. So, if I haven't a clue as to whether I'd be interested, I don't click the link.

    1. There are no links for games, I was talking about a work in progress that I am creating. The link is to my friends youtube channel, I wanted to help them out.

  2. I have killed all the monsters in the "monster hideout" quest but can't turn it in. and it V1.21 i have Skeleton king Eddy Ernest. and Vampire

    1. Here is a map of the Basement

      It should work fine after you kill all 11. If you have any further problems let me know.

    2. it work maybe i was do too Skeleton king this time i did t go fist to Skeleton king castle when i got Vampire the i did the quest the Skeleton king castle . hey do you know where is the king of tell me i can see the ture king but i dont where he is i was click on all chickens

    3. have killed all the monsters in the "monster hideout" quest but can't turn it in. and it V1.21
      used the map you provided and confirmed i killed all 11.

  3. Would like an option for easier combat. I can't kill the first slime or the first succubus before dying. Then, even with 3 party members, the first vampire killed us all. And there isn't enough money to buy anything worthwhile. I did try buying a club, but it would not let me equip it.

    1. I'm sorry you're having these issues, I will do some tweaking to make some of the starting monsters weaker and balance them.

  4. Also, shouldnt you heal after battle? None of my chars did, so even if I manage to get through the first battle, there's no way to win the 2nd.

    1. You heal through Inn's and potions. You can also get a healing from Goddard when he levels up. You should find a chest at the start of the game with a potion in it. If you have any problems let me know at I can help you with anything you need.

  5. Replies
    1. The downloads tab, right next to the guide and Patreon tab.
